
the Classroom

The broad range of sporting, academic and recreational pursuits on offer at GMAS are designed to instil a strong sense of belonging, wellbeing, and camaraderie amongst our students, while helping each child to develop their leadership, confidence, resilience and social skills.

We currently have over 50 different co-curricular activities on offer. These activities have been thoughtfully selected to allow our students to pursue their interests and passions in a positive and nurturing environment that encourages participation over competition.

Where students show an interest in a particular area, we endeavour to respond with new and exciting co-curricular activities. Our hope is for each and every student at GMAS to discover and explore their unique talents and interests while enjoying a healthy balance between academic, physical and social pursuits.

As part of our commitment to the physical and emotional wellbeing of every child, the majority of activities come at no additional cost to families. Some activities do incur a small charge such as club registration fees and these are outlined in our Co-curricular Handbook below.


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