Vocational Education & Training (VET)
Senior School students at GMAS have the opportunity to undertake VET studies, enabling them to earn credit towards nationally recognised qualifications whilst completing their West Australian Certificate of Education (WACE).
VET studies provide students with valuable experience in the workplace, broaden post-school options and prepare them for the transition from school to the workforce or further study.
VET covers a range of work experiences and training activities within the Senior School curriculum, where students can develop industry and workplace specific skills and knowledge.
Examples of the types of courses available to students include:
- Building and Construction
- Nursing
- Community Services
- Electrotechnology
- Hairdressing
- Plumbing
- Retail Cosmetics
- Automotive (Heavy or Light)
- Education Support
Why do a VET course?
There are many benefits to undertaking a VET course whilst at school, including:
- obtaining a nationally recognised qualification (such as a Certificate II or III)
- gaining an apprenticeship or traineeship;
- developing relevant industry knowledge and experience;
- experiencing a renewed sense of purpose and motivation for Senior schooling;
- networking and establishing links with employers;
- achieving points towards WACE graduation;
- and providing a pathway to employment or further study, including alternate entry to university.
VET pathways
We offer a range of VET pathways that cater for varying students aspirations and academic abilities. Learn more about our different pathways below.
VET qualifications will place students in good stead to embark on their chosen career paths. Qualifications range across four levels of Certificates (Certificate I, II, III an IV).
GMAS delivers six Certificate courses on-campus, the majority of which are at no additional cost to families. Our courses are delivered by IVET, AIET and Fremantle Education Centre.
Students have the opportunity to study the following courses:
- Certificate II Business (Year 11)
- Certificate III Business (Year 12 or after Completion of Certificate II Business)
- Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care
- Certificate II Sport Coaching
- Certificate III Sport and Rec
- Certificate III Events/Tourism
Students are also able to enrol in over 60 Certificate courses at our partner Registered Training Organisations, including TAFE and the Bunbury Regional Trade Training Centre (BRTTC). Completion of a Certificate course counts towards WACE graduation.
Certificate courses completed on-campus or through TAFE are usually free of charge while studying at GMAS. Students attending TAFE, BRTTC or a school-based traineeship are eligible for reduced GMAS tuition fees.
For a full list of Certificate courses available to students at GMAS, please download a copy of the Senior School Pathways handbook.
School-based traineeships provide Senior School students with the opportunity to start a traineeship or an apprenticeship as part of their school program. It involves a combination of paid work, off-site training and on-campus study. During the traineeship, students work towards an approved Certificate course and their requirements for WACE graduation.
A selection of traineeships is listed in the Senior School Pathways handbook.
Endorsed programs are for students wishing to participate in programs which are delivered in a variety of settings by schools, workplaces, universities and community organisations. These programs count towards WACE graduation. Many programs are run through GMAS, however we will enrol and result any certified endorsed program that students elect to do outside of GMAS. Some of the types of programs we regularly engage in include:
- Workplace Learning ADWPL
- WA Recreational Skippers Ticket
- Music Performance Ensemble
- Community Service
- Keys for Life - Pre-Driver Education Course
- Elite Sports Performance
- Off Campus Enrichment Program
- Navy Cadets
- The Duke of Edinburgh's Award
Workplace Learning is an Endorsed Program. Some certificates require students to complete a work placement to gain hands-on experience in their learning area. A minimum of 55 hours work placement must be completed each semester and a logbook must be submitted. Our VET Department will be able to guide students in meeting their Workplace Learning requirements.
Students are able to enrol in a combination of ATAR/General courses and VET studies to match their academic abilities and interests. Students are invited to discuss their proposed pathways with our VET Department.
Click to view a variety of resources that students may find helpful in their decision making about life after school.
GMAS Careers
A dedicated online platform to help students make decisions about future careers and life beyond school.
My Future
GMAS has a paid subscription to My Future, a very useful source of information to supplement student knowledge about career interests
Job Outlook
Job outlook can help students make decisions about study and training, first jobs or the next step in a career.
Job Jumpstart
Job Jumpstart offers resources and activities to help students work out what jobs might be suited to them.
Our VET Department
Students have the full support of our dedicated VET Department whilst on and off-campus. The VET Department liaises closely with employers and Registered Training Organisations to ensure students are safe and supported on their chosen pathway.
Please contact our Head of VET, Phil Deroost, for more information - pde@gmas.wa.edu.au