Striving for Excellence
We are a school that strives to promote excellence in all things, challenging students to go beyond mediocrity and to achieve their full potential. Our students are encouraged to become independent, critical thinkers with an ongoing love of learning. We recognise and reward students who have achieved personal excellence or who have made significant contribution in the areas of Arts, Service, Academia or Sport. A list of our 2024 award winners can be found here.
Colours Awards
Students can nominate to be awarded for Colours, Honours and High Honours for each of the categories being Arts, Service, Academia or Sport. Awards can only be received once in each category and are awarded to students who have met the pre-determined criteria.
In Junior School, students are able to nominate for Colours. In Secondary School, students are able to nominate for Colours, Honours and High Honours. In any given category, students must be awarded Colours before progressing to Honours Similarly, students must be awarded Honours before High Honours.
Students who meet the selection criteria must be nominated by a staff member. Nominations are referred to a Colours Committee comprising of senior GMAS teaching staff. All applications are considered, with the final decision falling to the committee.
There are two pathways for nominations. Firstly, a member of staff may nominate a student at any stage, providing they have met the criteria for that award. The other pathway is for students to request nomination from a member of staff (usually their teacher, Head of Department or Head of School).
In this case, students should download a copy of the Nomination Form and provide the required evidence, including a Student Recording Sheet with relevant details and validation of activity.
Students are presented with their award badges at special Colours Assemblies calendared throughout the year. They are able to wear their badges each day as part of their school uniform.
Nominate For An Award
Awards Criteria
Recording Sheets
Student Awards
Merit Awards are presented to students at fortnightly Assemblies, to recognise and promote talents and skills which reflect a wide range of abilities. Two students are chosen from each class group by their teachers for their outstanding achievement and effort. Awards can be related to academic achievement, social growth, perseverance, or determination.
Secondary School students have the opportunity to earn merit awards through their academic work, attitude, leadership, behaviour, attendance, effort, initiative, presentation and service. Each merit award is worth 5 points. As soon as a student earns 25 points, they are eligible to receive the first tier of awards (110% Award). The more points a student earns, the higher the award level. Students who receive Platinum Awards receive a gift card which is presented to them at the end-of-year Presentation Evening. Points earned also contribute towards the final score for the House Shield.
- 25 points equates to a 110% Award
- 50 points equates to a Bronze Award
- 75 points equates to a Silver Award
- 100 points equates to a Gold Award
- The top points earner for each year level is awarded a Platinum Award
Quiet Achiever Awards are presented to Primary School students who are hard working and display quiet perseverance in all that they do. They exhibit qualities we encourage and foster at GMAS. Awards are presented during Primary School Assemblies.
Aussie of the Month is an award which recognises personal endeavour, achievement and contribution to the community and reflects shared values such as mateship, fair go, respect and inclusion.
Aussie of the Month is presented by the same network that presents the Australian of the Year Award nationally. The award profiles students who are role models for us all, who inspire us through their achievements and community participation, and challenge us to make our contributions to society.
Aussie of the Month aims to encourage an appreciation of the diversity and depth of personal contribution and achievement possible within our school, and brings about increased concern and consideration for all members of the GMAS community.
Students from the Early Childhood and Junior School sub-schools are nominated, and shortlisted. The selection process is flexible, with the Head of Primary, Deputy Head of Primary and teachers choosing the successful recipient. The Awards are presented once a month at the formal sub-school Assemblies.
The recipient award kit consists of a recognition certificate, lapel pin badge, and a stationery gift pack.
Book Awards are presented to Primary School students who have displayed consistent excellence during the school year. In Early Childhood, one student is selected in each class room. In Junior School, students are awarded for Academic Achievement, Consistent Effort, Citizenship and Co-curricular. These students are presented with prizes at the end of year Presentation Evening.
Subjects Awards are presented to the top achievers of each course/subject in Pre-primary to Year 12. Subject award are presented at Presentation Evening, held at the end of each year.
A range of special awards are presented each year at Presentation Evening to students who have displayed excellence in a variety of areas.
These awards include:
- ADF Long Tan Leadership Award
- Adelle Award
- Annie Douglas Award
- Busselton and Sugito Sister Cities Association Award
- Caltex Best All Rounder
- Dux of each year level
- Georgiana Molloy Anglican School Cricketer of the Year
- Georgiana Molloy Anglican School Service Award
- Georgiana Molloy Medal
- JM Burns Citizenship Award
- Lions Club Quiet Achiever Award
- Lions Club Tertiary Scholarship
- Pre-Primary Reading Award
- Principal's Award
- Proxime Accessit
- Rotary Citizenship Award
- Vocational Education & Training Award
- Workplace Learning Award
- Zonta Award
Graduating students are eligible to be inducted into the GMAS Roll of Honour if they receive an ATAR score of 95 or above, or if they are awarded a Certificate of Commendation, Distinction or Excellence. These students are invited to a special Assembly at GMAS during Term 1 of the year after graduation to be formally inducted into the Roll of Honour.