Our friend George - By Violet Lambert, Year 5G, 2023
As most of you have noticed, our school has recently taken in a school dog called George. George is a lovable, funny addition to the GMAS Community, who loves to be petted. We in Year 5, love having him wander around in our classrooms, making us laugh with his silly doings and, make us happy. I have investigated the Year 5 classrooms to see what they think of George.
What does George do in your class?
The first question I asked was what George did in the different classrooms. 5M replied that he sleeps, makes their class happy, walks around, is cute and funny, helps kids calm down, is fluffy and to the class’s delight, talks back to the teacher.
5A says that he is funny, makes it fun to learn, nice to pat, wanders around so everyone can pat him, brightens people’s day, and likes to exercise.
5G declared that he makes them laugh, is friendly to them, likes to have fun and play games, scurries around, makes them go from bored to excited on a chilly winter day, and helps them focus, which is a particularly important thing to have in the classroom. Well done, George!
How does George make you feel when he is in class with you?
Each class gave a great answer to this one, 5A feels joyful, relaxed, responsible, and focused when George is around.
5G is calm, protected, ready to learn, happy, comfortable, trustworthy, phenomenal, and proud when George pays a visit.
5M is a mix of content, curious, fascinated, cheerful and warm with our beloved school dog wandering by their desks.

Funny stories about George?
George brings laughter to every class when he is around. Mucking around and making kids smile seems to come naturally to him.
5G laughed their heads off when George fell off the class couch one lesson, George tried to plan an escape when he went to open the door, 5G keeps the doors locked tight with George in! George has started a class band with 5G’s beanbags, everyone loves it when George starts bashing those beanbags.
Speaking of beanbags, George has his own special sleeping one, and Ms. Mitchell will not make that mistake again. One recess, the teachers were all in the 5G classroom for a meeting. Ms. Mitchell was sitting on a comfortable beanbag when George came over, stood over her, dropped on her, and fell asleep! How we laughed when Ms. Mitchell told us of George’s cheekiness.
5M has some hilarious moments with George. Like always, George loves to open doors, has an appetite for shoelaces, and loves to bark during class presentations. Also, here is an important to remember with George, George + Rolling in sand = Happy!
5A is a happy class with George as he answers the teacher’s questions, runs with them while doing Cross Country, and when the teacher is teaching, sees it as a moment to bark and bark and bark yet again!
As you can see, GMAS is a happier place with our dear school dog, George.