As a school that strives to be sustainable, we support local businesses. We also support the professional endeavours of our school families and Alumni through the GMAS Business Directory.
This show of collegial support amongst the School community goes a long way towards strengthening the common bonds that our families share through their children and their association with GMAS.
Please consider supporting the many businesses located in the GMAS Business Directory.
Inclusion in the Directory is completely voluntary and free. In order to register for the Directory, business owners must be Old Georgians or parents/caregivers of current students.
To register, please download an application form and return to Administration in person or via email.
GMAS Business Directory
Contact: Torry and Tiffany Goodall
Phone: 97217786
Email: torry@commercialwaterdive.com.au
Address: 6 Mummery Cr, Bunbury 6230
Gran Via Tours & Transfers
Contact: Andrew and Sandra Percy
Phone: 404317060
Email: andeepercy@gmail.com
Address: 5/13 King Street West Busselton
Indigo Empire Pty Ltd
Contact: Adam and Gabrielle McWhirter
Phone: 9750 1200
Email: marketing@smithsbeachresort.com.au
Address: Smiths Beach Road YALLINGUP WA 6282
Peppermint Grove Beach Holiday Park
Contact: Darren and Amelia Grey
Phone: 0439 737 791
Email: holiday@peppybeach.com.au
Barsden Private Wealth
Contact: Emma and Paul Barsden
Email: paul@barsdenprivatewealth.com.au
Address: Unit 7/20 Faure Lane DUNSBOROUGH WA 6281
BPW Financial Services Pty Ltd
Contact: Paul Barsden
Phone: 0424 126 034
Email: paul@bpwfinance.com.au
Address: Unit 7, 20 Faure Lane DUNSBOROUGH WA 6281
Felton Accounting & Taxation
Contact: Peter Felton
Phone: 9756 8088
Email: admin@feltontax.com.au
Address: 2 Dunsborough Lakes Drive DUNSBOROUGH WA 6281
Hiscox Partners
Contact: Luke Blair
Phone: 08 9721 3088
Email: luke@hiscoxpartners.com.au
Address: 2/82 Blair St Bunbury 6230
JustInvest Financial Planning
Contact: James Baird
Phone: 0439 522 721
Email: james@justinvest.net.au
Address: Suite 3, 236 Naturaliste Tce Dunsborough WA 6281
Lindon Hargreaves & Associates
Contact: Lindon and Kristy Hargreaves
Phone: 9786 5050
Email: lindon@hargreaves.com.au
Address: 1/16 Prince Street BUSSELTON WA 6280
Above & Beyond Pet Care
Contact: Natalie McIllree
Phone: 0415 700 064
Email: abpetcare@hotmail.com
Address: 9 Warlu Grove, YALYALUP WA 6280
Agvivo Pty Ltd
Contact: Sam and Dana Taylor
Phone: 0429 332 593
Email: sam@agvivo.com.au
Address: 86 Hawker Approach YALYALUP WA 6280
Contact: Rachel Partridge
Phone: 9721 7170
Email: info@eatswa.com.au
Geo Bay Dog Training
Contact: Asher Lindberg
Phone: 0409 805 295
Email: geobaydogtraining@gmail.com
Address: 4798 Bussell Highway BUSSELTON WA 6280
Powrie Racing - Breaking
Contact: David and Charlie Powrie
Phone: 0493 292 792
Email: powrieracing@outlook.com
Address: 330 Ruabon Rd, Ruabon
The Dog Centre Busselton
Contact: Justine Mitchell
Phone: 0490801505
Email: woof@thedogcentre.com.au
Address: 35 Yalyalup Road, ABBA RIVER
Webpray Pastoral Co.
Contact: Scott and Hayley Watson
Phone: 9047 0008
Email: scottwatson5@bigpond.com
Address: PO Box 79 Mukinbudin WA 6479
Yalambi Farm Stud
Contact: Rory and Emily Hovell
Phone: 9755 6235
Email: rory@yalambi.com
Address: 771 Yelverton Road WILYABRUP WA 6280
Geo Bay Airconditioning
Contact: Craig and Lisa Basell
Phone: 0407 937 988
Email: geobayair@westnet.com.au
Address: 57 Jarrah Elbow BUSSELTON WA 6280
Southern Air
Contact: Dane and Adele Butterly
Phone: 0419 914 523
Email: southernair@westnet.com.au
Address: PO Box 724 DUNSBOROUGH WA 6281
Annie Winchcombe - Annie Winch Art
Contact: Annie Winchcombe
Phone: 0406792154
Email: awi@gmas.wa.edu.au
Address: Po Box 56 DUNSBOROUGH WA 6281
Belle on the Bay Jewellery Design
Contact: Rachael Prideaux
Phone: 0415 867 142
Email: rachael@belleonthebay.com.au
Address: 11 Dotterell Crescent BUSSELTON WA 6280
Conscious Clay
Contact: Hayley Bangham
Phone: 0402 114 751
Email: info@consciousclay.com.au
Address: 7 Toby Court QUINDALUP WA 6281
Soundwaves Singing Studio
Contact: Sussane Siegrist
Phone: 0450 968 058
Email: info@soundwaves.net.au
Address: 23 Ollis Street QUINDALUP WA 6281
Automorph Car Detaling
Contact: Aaaron and Brooke Beer
Phone: 0433 699 787
Email: azzabeer1@hotmail.com
Infinity Innovation and Design
Contact: John Piestrzeniewicz
Phone: 448351460
Email: sales@zid.com.au
Mako Services
Contact: Mark Box
Phone: 9754 6659
Email: info@makoservices.com.au
Address: PO Box 914 BUSSELTON WA 6280
Contact: Daniel and Rachel Mears
Phone: 0439 845 304
Email: BroadwaterPlaster@gmail.com
Burnished Furniture and Fabrication
Contact: John Leek
Phone: 0488914523
Email: enquiry@burnishedfurniture.com.au
Address: 29 Penguin Way, Vasse 6280
Busselton Sheds
Contact: Marnee and Martin Dixon
Phone: 0407590966
Email: admin@busseltonsheds.com.au
Address: 72 Everwood Glade Ambergate
Cape Crane Hire/Northfleet
Contact: Ash Oliffe
Phone: 0405 478 181
Email: asho@capecranehire.com.au
Address: 26 Albrey Street, Vasse
Complete Film Solutions - South West
Contact: Brent Caithness
Phone: 0417 510 316
Email: brent@cfsols.com.au
Door Hardware Solutions
Contact: Chad and Rochelle Mead
Phone: 9751 3177
Email: rochelle@doorhardwaresolutions.com.au
Address: Unit E3, 115 Strelly Street, Busselton
Geographe Cranes and Rigging
Contact: Sam and Matt Reither
Phone: 0439 099 884
Email: mattreither@hotmail.com
Address: 12 Hay Shed Rd BUSSELTON WA 6280
Jilley Ceramic Tiling Services
Contact: Clayton Jilley
Phone: 0407 449 000
Email: claytoncarla@bigpond.com
Contact: Anita Revel
Phone: 0417937436
Email: design@leimacbuilding.com.au
Address: PO BOX 555, Cowaramup 6284
Moyes Design, Drafting and Photography
Contact: Matthew and Gemma Moyes
Phone: 0413 122 151
Email: matthew@moyesdesign.com
Address: 25 Schooner Cres DUNSBOROUGH WA 6281
Naturaliste Garage Doors
Contact: Simon and Kylie Begley
Phone: 0429 230 400
Email: simon@naturalistegd.com.au
Address: Inverness Avenues DUNSBOROUGH WA 6281
Slater Drafting Solutions Pty Ltd
Contact: Dean Slater
Phone: 0468 619 516
Email: deanslater72@iinet.net.au
Contact: Luke and Sandi McCauley
Phone: 9754 2376
Email: luke.mccauley@natenergy.com.au
Address: 25 Wright Street BUSSELTON WA 6280
Ustyle Homes
Contact: Darren and Debbie Kirkham
Phone: 0428 008 443
Email: admin@ustylehomes.com.au
Address: 1/14 Trumper Drive BUSSELTON WA 6280
Bluewater Print
Contact: Allan and Rachael Gibbs
Phone: 9754 6449
Email: info@bluewaterprint.com.au
Address: 19 Savory Crescent BUSSELTON WA 6280
Brown Dog Ink Communication
Contact: Danelle Dowding
Phone: 0408 096 778
Email: danellejackson@westnet.com.au
Address: 10 Bushland Rise MARGARET RIVER WA 6285
Busselton OLNA Tutoring
Contact: Linda Mosen-Lowe
Phone: 0408 622 352
Email: linda.mosen@bigpond.com.au
GW Business Consulting Pty Ltd
Contact: Geoff Wright
Phone: 0429 401 431
Email: wrightg@westnet.com.au
LB Planning
Contact: Stan and Maike Lawrence-Brown
Phone: 0417 996 451
Email: stan@lbplanning.com.au
Address: 191A Naturaliste Terrace DUNSBOROUGH WA 6281
Mare Lawyers
Contact: Sieg and Melanie Mare
Phone: 97924451
Email: melanie@workwiseadvisory,com.au
Address: u6b/29 Bonnefoi Blvd, Bunbury 6230
Williams Law Company
Contact: John Williams
Phone: 08 6458 0673
Email: john@williamslawco.com.au
Address: PO Box 1907, Busselton,6280
Boyanup Free Range Eggs
Contact: Brian and Therese Tucker
Phone: 0421 778 540
Email: tucker.bt@bigpond.com
Address: 124 Brookdale Road BOYANUP WA 6237
Charlotte Newton Wine
Contact: Charlotte Newton
Address: 3 The Grove
Nannup Fresh Fruit
Contact: Mark and Catherine Scott
Phone: 9756 1114
Email: markpscott@bigpond.com
Address: PO Box 33 NANNUP WA 6275
The Little Cakery
Contact: Chloe McSwain
Phone: 0488 016 992
Address: 8 Serenity Grove AMBERGATE WA 6280
Two Cracks Coffee
Contact: Dale Ralston
Phone: 0419105527
Email: twocrackscoffee@gmail.com
Address: Origins Markets Cowaramup
Whirlwind Olives
Contact: Andrew Mencshelyi
Phone: 0400 771 745
Email: info@whirlwindolives.com.au
Address: PO Box 25 KARRIDALE WA 6280
Contact: Brad and Jo McLean
Phone: 9742 1212
Email: busselton@hireforbaby.com
Address: 57 Cook Street BUSSELTON WA 6280
Jo Jingles South West
Contact: Catherine Hemblen
Phone: 0437 243 274
Email: catherine@jojinglessouthwestwa.com.au
Address: 59 Everlasting Crescent BUSSELTON WA 6280
D & K Electrical Contractors
Contact: Alex Walker
Phone: 0418 932 533
Email: dean@dktec.com.au
Address: PO Box 316 CAPEL WA 6271
Dunsborough Electrical Services
Contact: Matthew and Diane Bogaers
Phone: 0416 397 283
Email: admin@dunsboroughelectrical.com.au
Address: PO Box 3 DUNSBOROUGH WA 6281
Geobay Electrical Services
Contact: Shane and Renae Callegari
Phone: 0419 848 440
Email: info@geobay.net.au
Kevin McGregor Electrical Contracting
Contact: Kevin McGregor
Phone: 0417 837 849
Email: office@maclec.com.au
Nites Electrical
Contact: Chris Shaw
Phone: 9725 6006
Email: admin@niteselectrical.com.au
Address: 59 Halifax Drive DAVENPORT WA 6230
Plico Energy
Contact: Nuno Carneiro
Phone: 0478 488 940
Email: nuno@starling.energy
Address: 3/18 Burler Drive VASSE WA 6280
Southwest WA Electrical
Contact: Craige and Joanna North
Phone: 0451 963 159
Email: southwestwaelectrical@outlook.com
Address: 195 Maidment Parade DALYELLUP WA 6230
Sturk-Ralls Electrical
Contact: Travis Sturk-Ralls
Phone: 0417 918 357
Email: tsturk-r@hotmail.com
Address: PO Box 1608 BUSSELTON WA 6280
Sunwise Energy
Contact: Helen Holland
Phone: 97911117
Email: sunwise@sunwiseenergy.com.au
Address: 19 Ilmenite Crescent CAPEL WA 6271
WYE Electrical Pty Ltd
Contact: Brian Stevenson
Phone: 0478 644 402
Email: brian.stevenson@wyegroup.net
Address: 1 Busher Place CAPEL WA 6271
Emma Dickson - Marriage Celebrant
Contact: Emma Dickson
Phone: 0421 116 489
Email: gedickson@iinet.net.au
Jo Jingles South West
Contact: Catherine Hemblen
Phone: 0437 243 274
Email: catherine@jojinglessouthwestwa.com.au
Address: 59 Everlasting Crescent BUSSELTON WA 6280
Mootown Productions
Contact: Alex and Rebecca Walker
Phone: 0403 978 752
Email: alexwalker@iinet.net.au
Address: 165 Chapman Hill Rd BOVELL WA 6280
Contact: Anita Revel
Phone: 0417 YES-I-DO
Email: yesidoweddings@gmail.com
Address: PO BOX 555, Cowaramup 6284
Fitness Alley
Contact: Amanda Alley
Phone: 0413924566
Email: fitnessalley@gmail.com
Address: 4703 Jalbarragup Rd, Acton Park
Horse Sense
Contact: Claire Wright
Phone: 0407457181
Email: admin@horsesense.com.au
Address: 161 Gulberti Rd, Ruabon
Innovations Dance Academy
Contact: Natasha & Paul Varis
Phone: 0417 929 930
Email: innovationsdance@bigpond.com
Contact: Damon and Kristy Bourke
Email: damon@abecenv.com.au
Address: PO BOX 1013 Dunsborough 6281
Cape to Cape Professional Pot Plant Hire
Contact: Andrew and Deanne Johnson
Phone: 0458 121 444
Email: info@capetocapepotplanthire.com.au
Address: 14 Maclaren Drive YALLINGUP WA 6282
Carter Chiropractic
Contact: Susie and Dean Carter
Phone: 9791 7676
Email: carterchiro@hotmail.com
Address: Plaza Shopping Centre, Spencer Street BUNBURY WA 6230
Dalyellup Dental
Contact: Bryan and Anna Fleming
Phone: 08 9795 5511
Email: reception@dalyellupdental.com.au
Address: 3/49 Norton Promenade
Dunsborough Physiotherapy Centre
Contact: Ben and Megan Liston
Phone: 9755 3600
Email: dunsphysio@westnet.com.au
Address: Unit 1 Seymour House, 54 Dunn Bay Road DUNSBOROUGH WA 6281
Geoff Dickson Podiatry
Contact: Geoff Dickson
Phone: 9752 4270
Email: gedickson@iinet.net.au
Address: 181 Bussell Highway BUSSELTON WA 6280
Horse Sense
Contact: Claire Wright
Phone: 0407457181
Email: admin@horsesense.com.au
Address: 161 Gulberti Rd, Ruabon
LEAFIE.COM Healthy Family
Contact: Claire McDonnell
Phone: 0466 908 586
Email: claire@leafie.com
Address: Unit 18 / 33 Davies Way Busselton WA 6280
Nannup Pharmacy
Contact: Geoff and Claire Wright
Phone: 9756 0002
Email: nannuppharmacy@westnet.com.au
Address: 36 Warren Road NANNUP WA 6275
Paul Armanasco Podiatric Foot & Ankle Surgeon
Contact: Paul Armanasco
Phone: 9745 9100
Email: info@paularmanasco.com.au
Address: 5/21 Napolean Promenade, VASSE WA 6280/ 16 Carey Street, BUNBURY WA 6230
Contact: Sarah Garbellini
Phone: 0466 496 271
Email: sarah@radiantpilates.com.au
Address: Unit 6/34 Forrest Road CAPEL WA 6271
The Conscious PT & Nutrition
Contact: Kristy O'Donnell
Phone: 0403 840 053
Email: theconsciouspt@outlook.com
Address: 42 Albert Street Busselton
Contact: Mark and Tameka Jones
Phone: 0409 290 458
Email: mark@diverseplumbing.com
Contact: Jye Barnett
Phone: 0433 378 878
Email: info@ecologicalpest.com.au
Cape Naturaliste Computers
Contact: Toby and Ericka Howes
Phone: 9756 7273
Email: toby@cncomputers.com.au
Address: Shop 7B, 55 Dunn Bay Road DUNSBOROUGH WA 6281
Phimedia Pty Ltd
Contact: Michael Dunn and Charlotte Newton
Phone: 9758 7769
Email: mike@phimedia.com
Address: PO Box 1715 MARGARET RIVER WA 6285
Contact: Laurence Oakey
Phone: 0414 762 022
Email: tinfo@xpertcomputers.com.au
Belle on the Bay Jewellery Design
Contact: Rachael Prideaux
Phone: 0415 867 142
Email: rachael@belleonthebay.com.au
Address: 11 Dotterell Crescent BUSSELTON WA 6280
Soundwaves Singing Studio
Contact: Sussane Siegrist
Phone: 0450 968 058
Email: info@soundwaves.net.au
Address: 23 Ollis Street QUINDALUP WA 6281
Abby Murray Photography
Contact: Abby Murray
Phone: 0450568412
Email: abbymurrayphotography@gmail.com
Address: 6 Birl Rd, Capel WA 6271
Contact: Brent and Christina Caithness
Phone: 0417510316
Email: brent@cfsols.com.au
Familybusinessmatters Pty Ltd
Contact: Paul Barsden
Phone: 0424 126 034
Email: paul@familybusinessmatters.com.au
Address: Unit 7, 20 Faure Lane DUNSBOROUGH WA 6281
LJ Hooker Property South West WA
Contact: Jeremy Lloyd
Phone: 0414651458
Email: jeremy.lloyd@ljhsouthwest.com.au
Address: 88 Queen St, Busselton
Ray White Nannup
Contact: Michael and Jessica Tucker
Phone: 9756 1666
Email: nannup.wa@raywhite.com
Address: 24A Warren Road NANNUP WA 6275
Country Waves Surf Shop Dunsborough
Contact: Todd Taylor
Phone: 9755 3581
Email: countrywaves@hotmail.com
Address: Shop 10 Dunsborough Park S/C, Dunn Bay Road DUNSBOROUGH WA 6281
Good Earth Surf Shop
Contact: Darren and Zena Hotker
Phone: 9721 5545
Email: goodearth@iinet.net.au
Address: 50 Wellington St BUNBURY WA 6230
Nannup Hardware & Agencies
Contact: Clint & Kylee Wardle
Phone: 9756 1154
Email: admin@nannuphardware.com.au
Address: 67 Warren Road, Nannup, 6275
Contact: Steve and Tanya Lloyd
Phone: (08) 9759 1590
Email: shop@supernovashoes.com.au
Address: Dunsborough Centrepoint Shopping Centre - Shop 8, 55 Dunn Bay Road
The Garden Basket
Contact: Lucas and Callie Clayton
Phone: 9758 8184
Email: admin@thegardenbasket.com.au
Address: 7/31 Station Road MARGARET RIVER WA 6285
Westaust Liquor
Contact: Ulrich Glauch
Phone: 0412177481
Email: waliquor1@iinet,net,au
Address: 3/42 Achievement Way, Wangarra
Aphinya's Thai Massage
Contact: Aphinya Cadwell
Phone: 422850595
Email: aomhairsalon@gmail.com
Address: 2 Ransonnet Drive GEOGRPAHE WA 6280
Herbalife Independent Distributor
Contact: Brad and Juliet Ding
Phone: 0414 826 607
Email: bradnjules@hotmail.com
Horse Sense
Contact: Claire Wright
Phone: 0407457181
Email: admin@horsesense.com.au
Address: 161 Gulberti Rd, Ruabon